Where Do I Find a Makeup Artist in London?

Here is the simple answer to the age-old question, “Do makeup artists work in makeup shops or do they just do makeup?” IT depends. Really, it depends on what type of makeup you are doing. In other words, where you will be working as a makeup artists often depends upon what type of makeup you are doing, and even there is a LOT of variation about where you will actually be performing makeup services! The only way to truly understand this situation is to think about this scenario:

makeup artist

An experienced, professional makeup artist is a nightmare. He will do everything wrong, he will not listen to what you want, and he will usually give you the run around. On the other hand, a theatrical makeup artist has the same exact characteristics, but also provides you with a great deal more control. For example, an experienced makeup artist can suggest a new look for you that totally contradicts what you have previously tried. He can make you look like a supermodel with just a couple of shades of makeup.

Fashion makeup artists are in high demand everywhere. You see them all over the place, on magazine covers, runway shows and even TV. A lot of the time, these makeup artists are hired by big name brands and famous people who know what they are doing. For example, some of the top celebrities (think Paris Hilton, Sarah Jessica Parker and Victoria Beckham) hire makeup artists to give them a fresh and totally unique look on the red carpet at press events, on television and in movies.

But how do these professional makeup artists exactly get into the industry? Do they have formal training or are they simply “born with it”? The answer to this question may surprise you.

Most cosmetologists, makeup artists and fashion designers got their start in theater. This is not a very surprising conclusion as makeup artists spend a lot of time, especially in the small shows that are popular with fashion designers. This is because fashion and theater go hand in hand and many people involved in both fields love to experiment with the styles. In fact, a good makeup artist loves to create new characters and designs every day.

One of the places you will often find a makeup artist is in London. London is home to some of the biggest fashion houses in the world such as Mayfair and Pringle. It is also home to a massive number of small fashion houses who are based in the city. As one of the biggest cities in the world, London has a huge selection of makeup artists. In fact, most of London’s big makeup companies have at least a small shop in the city.

Another great place to find a makeup artist in London is in the fashion magazines. Although they do not actually manufacture makeup products, fashion magazines tend to have a lot of information on new trends in the industry. Magazines are often picked up by makeup artists who are looking for work. There are also a lot of makeup magazines dedicated specifically to the fashion industry. If you subscribe to these you will find a wealth of articles and information about what the latest trends are in the fashion industry.

The final place you will probably want to find a makeup artist in London is at makeup school. Cosmetics schools are very popular in London and there are many different ones you can attend. One of the most famous ones is Matrix. However, Matrix does not just teach makeup artists how to apply makeup. They also teach actors how to wear makeup so if they ever decide to take classes at a real makeup school, they will have all the information they need to know in order to look their best. Finding makeup artists in London is pretty easy if you know where to look.